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End devices

Manufacturer's P/N: ARF8275AA
Manufacturer: Adeunis
Show more information about the brand Adeunis

COMFORT for LoRaWAN EU863-870
Rodzaj Pomiarusensor - temp, wilg.
Do użytkuwewnętrznego
Zastosowaniemierniki temp. i wilg.
Operating temperature range [°C]-20°C +60°C
Standard packaging:
1 pcs.

Minimum order:
10 pcs.

Minimum batch:
10 pcs.

In stock:


  • Additional functions: alert button, dry contact input
  • A design for a product adaptable to any type of environment
  • Local and remote configuration
  • Data logging to optimize the number of mailings
  • Battery-powered stand-alone product
  • Compatible with KARE and KARE+ services


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